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Crowhurst Wildlife Verges & Projects

2022 Updates

Throughout Crowhurst we have a number of designated wildlife verges in an early stage of recovery. Here you will see regular updates on these sites, as well as many other projects of which we organise or participate in.

July Update -


Crowhurst Environment Group (CEG) – Update for July 2022


Knepp- Wildland Estate: An inspiring group visit was made to the pioneering rewilding project in West Sussex, using free-roaming grazing animals to create new habitats for wildlife. Taking footpaths across the estate, we picnicked in sight of some of the 9 breeding pairs of storks and saw longhorn cattle, tamworth pigs and wild ponies. We hope to make a return visit next year.

Marline Wood and Wildlife Meadows SSI: Led by our Chairman Dr John Feltwell,14 of us walked through wildflower meadows filled with orchids, yellow rattle, yellow tormentil and many other plants and butterflies including the dingy skipper. In woodland on the way, we spotted the rare orange bracket fungus ganoderma lucida. Only a walk along footpaths from Breadsell Lane, it is well worth a visit if you’ve never been there before.

Avian Flu – Advice from Sussex Wildlife Trust - Sadly, Avian Influenza (bird flu) is having a devastating impact on wild bird populations across the UK. We are increasingly seeing sick and dead birds in Sussex, mostly affecting Herring and Black-headed Gulls. Please do remain vigilant - and follow this guidance from Defra.
It's really important that you DO NOT touch any sick or dead birds. If you find any dead or sick waterfowl (ducks, swans, geese), gulls, seabirds or birds of prey, please report them to Defra on 03459 335577. Avian Influenza is highly transmissible to birds, but the risk to human health is low. If you feed your garden birds, clean bird feeders regularly, and change water daily. If you see any sick or dead birds in your garden remove your feeders, to help to prevent the spread of disease. For further information see Defra's advice to the public.

Wildlife in Crowhurst: Wild About Crowhurst WhatsApp helps to share news and sightings of local wildlife. Some sightings this month include butterflies, toads, armies of small frogs, lizards, scarlet tiger moths and glow worms. Take care on the grass along the hedge verge between the bridge and Rec entrance (road side) where glow worms were spotted last year. At least 30-40 swifts were seen calling and feeding over Crowhurst by Ian. Swift Awareness Week is 2-10th July.

Muriel’s Meadow: The Meadow is flourishing with 3 common spotted orchids appearing for the first time along with yellow rattle, oxeye daises, knapweed, birdsfoot trefoil, meadow buttercup, sorrel,purple clover, vetch and emerging fleabane. Later in the year we will be scything the meadow. Let us know if you would like to come along or give it a try.

Bird nesting season : RSPB recommend avoiding hedge cutting during the main breeding season for nesting birds, which usually runs throughout March to August each year. This can be weather dependent and some birds may nest outside this period, so it is important to always check carefully for active nests prior to cutting. Remember it is an offence under Section 1 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act of 1981 to intentionally take, damage or destroy the nest of any wild bird while it is in use or being built, or to intentionally kill, injure or take chicks or adults, or intentionally take or destroy any eggs.                                        

Diary Dates: We’ll be taking a break over July apart from carrying out some verge maintenance and wildlife surveys.  Let us know if you would like to join in.

New volunteers are always welcome. Here are our contact details:

Frances Royston: 830236 or  Will Kemp: 830454 or

Sonia Plato: 830349 or

Please contact Sonia to join our Wild about Crowhurst WhatsApp Group or be added to our CEG contact list for information and updates.    

Keep safe!   Crowhurst Environment Group

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March Update -


March 2022

Crowhurst Environment Group (CEG) – March 2022

We hope you are now recovered from the recent storms, though some of you I know are still without power. Please let us know if we can help in any way.
Here are some updates:
Read the latest version of the Crowhurst Biodiversity Audit: Hot off the press is Dr John Feltwell's updated Crowhurst Biodiversity Audit, which provides a wealth of information about the biodiversity assets of our village.  This is a live document, so please continue to send in your wildlife sightings and information to inform the Audit for the future. If we don't know something is there, we cannot protect and conserve it. 
Please let us know if you would like a copy emailed to you. 
Sussex Biodiversity Record Centre iRecord: Remember you can also send in your wildlife sightings to iRecord. Please see the following message from Bob Foreman at the Centre:
'Sussex Biodiversity Record Centre (SxBRC) shares data with almost all of the recording groups in Sussex, so if you send your records to them we will, in due course and after they have been verified, get them too. Likewise, if you send your records to us we will pass them to the recording groups for verification and input into their datasets. This relationship helps ensure that the records we hold are as accurate as possible.
The best way to send us records is via iRecord which is a free, easy-to-use online recording website. Records that you enter into iRecord are immediately available for us to download. What's more, they're available to view by the wider community through the site, making it an ideal way to share and explore wildlife sightings.' 
Bob Foreman ,Biodiversity Data Lead, Sussex Biodiversity Record Centre.(

Further CEG meetings and updates will follow. Please see Diary & Events page, or contact us for updates.
New volunteers are always welcome. Here are our contact details:

Frances Royston: 830236 or
Will Kemp: 830454 or
Sonia Plato: 830349 or 

Please contact Sonia if you’d like to join our Wild about Crowhurst WhatsApp Group or be added to our CEG contact list for information and updates.

Keep safe!
Crowhurst Environment Group

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