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Previous Events

2023 Spring and Summer Programme

Here is an update of our Spring and Summer programme of working groups, walks and events.



Tuesday 28th February from 10am- Weeding & mulching the hedge on the Rec.


Wednesday 1st March 2-4pm – Raking & preparing the Youth Club Outdoor Space  (behind the metal farm gate by the Youth Club)

Friday 3rd March from 7pm - CEG Social at the Plough

Saturday 18th March  10.30pm - Litter Pick.  Meet at the Village Hall Car Park. End at the Plough for a well earned drink.

Saturday 25th March  10.30 am - Guided Guide Walk at Rye Harbour with Cliff Dean  plus Guide in a Hide -  Meet at Rye Harbour Car Park.  Lifts available.


Thursday 13th April 7.30pm – CEG (Environment Group) Meeting at Mantel Farm – all welcome to share ideas and plan activities. Lifts available

Sunday 16th April  10am - Fore Wood Spring Bird and Wildlife Walk with Cliff Dean. Meet at Crowhurst Village Hall Car Park.


Wednesday 3rd May - 10am - Wildlife and Butterfly Walk with Dr John Feltwell.  Meet at St Georges Church gate opposite Crowhurst School.

Friday 5th May -  CEG Social from 7pm at the Plough


Thursday 15th June - 7.30pm - CEG Meeting at the Plough – all welcome.


7th July - CEG Social from 7pm at the Plough

End of July – Scything Muriel’s Meadow (depending on weather conditions).

CEG Friday Night Socials- 7 pm 1st September, 3rd November at the Plough


June 2022:
 Regular Working groups will be taking place 1.30-3.30 pm on the last Sunday of each month - various locations to be advised: Please wear suitable clothes, gloves and footwear for rough ground. Some hi-vis available or bring your own, plus a drink.Dark Skies Project:- ongoingA year long project in partnership with High Weald AONB. Learn how to use a simple light meter to create a map of Crowhurst's dark skies. We'll be meeting regularly to create this record.  All welcome. Let us know if you'd like to get involved. Meters available for loan for all ages and flexible meeting times.CEG Network Meetings at Mantel Farm:– Following a successful and productive first meeting, there will be regular, roving quarterly meetings as well as informal coffee afternoons (at Mantel Farm).  Working with other Wildlife groups we aim to share ideas and information for future plans and projects. Further dates to be advised.Sunday 13th March at 9.30am: Fore Wood Bird Walk with Cliff Dean,ornithologist. Meet at the Village Hall. Please wear suitable clothes and footwear for rough ground.Sunday 27th March at 9.30am: Grass clearing around the new hedge on the Rec. Bring shears and hand forks. Meet at the hedge along the Powdermill Stream side.Ongoing- Wildlife Garden (Millennium Garden):We will be working on the Garden over the next few weeks. Get in touch if you'd like to help. Donations of pollinator friendly plants are always welcome.

2022 Previous Events
Wildlife Garden (Millennium Garden): We’ll be working on the Garden over the next few weeks.  Get in touch if you’d like to help.

6th January at 4 pm Crowhurst Recreation Ground – Dark Skies Project:-
Come and meet Sam Nicholas from AONB who will be showing us how to use light meters to set up a Dark Skies project

Tuesday, 11th January 7-9pm CEG Meeting at Mantel Farm:– Join us to share ideas for future plans and projects including setting up a local network with other Wildlife groups All welcome. Lifts available.

February 22nd - Village Litter Pick 


2021 Previous Events
Village Litter Pick - Sunday 21st November; meet at 2pm at the Village Hall.
Sunday 26th September 10am to 3pm - Scything Muriel's Meadow, Breadsell Lane TN38 8EB
Please note that this will be taking place on Sunday rather than the whole weekend as previously notified. 
Breadsell Lane is an extension of Swainham Lane, off Crowhurst Road. Signage will be provided.
Bring a picnic, have a go or just see how it's done. Families welcome. Parking in adjacent field available. Wear footwear for uneven ground

October - raking the verges and Meadow - date to be confirmed

Tuesday 19th October: Environment Group Meeting - Mantel Farm, Catsfield Road 7.30pm. Lifts available.

Saturday 6th November: Annual General Meeting - Crowhurst Village Hall 2pm, with coffee/tea and cake plus a raffle. Guest speaker Julian Kenny from Wild about Burwash will share their experiences and ideas, followed by an opportunity to look at shared ways forward for local environmental groups.

Combe Haven Path Clearing Sept 2019
Footpath clearing on the Marsh, cutting back brambles on the footpath between The Three Bridges across towards Royal Oak Lane.  A further working group day is needed to finish the path.  Clearing along the path to Filsham Reed Beds and the upper path by the attenuation pond is also needed.
Combe Haven Bird Walk Sept  2019
Bird spotting walk around combe haven with Cliff Dean, starting from Crowhurst recreation ground.
Tree Walk, Saturday 1st June 2019
Eighteen people met at the churchyard and were introduced to Dr John Feltwell, our local tree warden, who was leading the walk. It started at the old yew tree at St George's Church, Crowhurst. We found that a number of trees on the walk had ash dieback. John explained that it was important to plan ahead by planting oak trees now to replace the ashes that would be lost in the next few  years. A variety of insects were encountered on the walk with some lovely coloured butterflies, meadow brown, holly blue, a red admiral.
Visit To Great Dixter
We had a magical evening visit to Great Dixter, where wildflower meadows are well established, to learn about the ideas behind the rapidly spreading movement to increase biodiversity by allowing nature to flourish with careful but minimal management. We learned that in the 1930s the UK used to have an area of wild meadows equivalent to Greater London; with intensive farming and building, that has now shrunk to the equivalent of three Northiams.

Spring Clean Litter Pick

Spring Clean Litter Pick on Saturday  6th April, with the RSPB, which was a really enjoyable team effort, with over 18 bags of rubbish, tyres, car door, a bird cage and more collected. Food served afterwards at the  village hall cafe at the crowhurst market.

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