Previous Events
2023 Spring and Summer Programme
Here is an update of our Spring and Summer programme of working groups, walks and events.
Tuesday 28th February from 10am- Weeding & mulching the hedge on the Rec.
Wednesday 1st March 2-4pm – Raking & preparing the Youth Club Outdoor Space (behind the metal farm gate by the Youth Club)
Friday 3rd March from 7pm - CEG Social at the Plough
Saturday 18th March 10.30pm - Litter Pick. Meet at the Village Hall Car Park. End at the Plough for a well earned drink.
Saturday 25th March 10.30 am - Guided Guide Walk at Rye Harbour with Cliff Dean plus Guide in a Hide - Meet at Rye Harbour Car Park. Lifts available.
Thursday 13th April 7.30pm – CEG (Environment Group) Meeting at Mantel Farm – all welcome to share ideas and plan activities. Lifts available
Sunday 16th April 10am - Fore Wood Spring Bird and Wildlife Walk with Cliff Dean. Meet at Crowhurst Village Hall Car Park.
Wednesday 3rd May - 10am - Wildlife and Butterfly Walk with Dr John Feltwell. Meet at St Georges Church gate opposite Crowhurst School.
Friday 5th May - CEG Social from 7pm at the Plough
Thursday 15th June - 7.30pm - CEG Meeting at the Plough – all welcome.
7th July - CEG Social from 7pm at the Plough
End of July – Scything Muriel’s Meadow (depending on weather conditions).
CEG Friday Night Socials- 7 pm 1st September, 3rd November at the Plough